Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pocket Frogs FAQs, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

Pocket Frogs [AppStore] is a free iOS game where you breed, tame and catalog frogs. Posted below are some strategies, tips and tricks culled from the interwebs that will hopefully assist you in getting the most enjoyment out of playing this pretty addicting game.

You begin with a couple of frogs with different colors and patterns, and you can mix and match to dozens of individual features and tens of thousands of possible combinations.
The lifespan of a frog: Frogs are born into your nursery. For the first portion of their lives, they are eggs. Their specific breed is a mystery to you until they hatch. They hatch as babies, which can't be bred. You can then move them out of the nursery into another habitat and let them grow. You can take them to the Pond, where you can hop around and eat dragonflies so they'll grow faster and be tamed (wild frogs also can't be bred). You might find awesome presents in the pond. If you are impatient, you can use a potion to mature the frog instantly and get back to hot frog breeding action. Once they're mature, you can send them to friends, breed them, or catalog them.

Tips Collected So Far

Tip #1 After your baby frog has hatched - take him to the pond, hop around and eat flies - he'll be mature real soon (each fly takes away about one minute of it's mature time). Also the bigger the fly, the more the time to mature is reduced.

Tip #2 A new frog will not contain a color or pattern that does not appear on at least one of the parents.The only exception to this is the base color - sometimes breeding two frogs with different base color together there is a small chance that the new frog will have a glass body. 

Tip #3 One of the easier and less involved ways to make some extra money is to keep two copies of your most expensive frog and then breed them. If you want to make a little extra, keep a habitat with lots of +happiness items and move the frogs into there for a while before you sell. While they're sitting in there getting happier, you can have another set of 8 in egg form. Rinse and repeat. 

Tip #4 Cross breed level 1 frogs with level 7 frogs gives you 300+ xp each time. If you have the coins, you can always just sell the eggs for a lost and keep breeding. 

Tip #5 If you look at the value and level of the egg you can pretty much predict what kind of frog is going to hatch. Maybe not the color but certainly the breed. This is especially easy if you are breeding two different leveled frogs.

Tip # 6 Breeding, taming frogs and completing Award  Challenges earns you xp. Completing Award Challenges is the best way to powerlevel. Each time you level, you earn stamps, potions, coins and unlock new frog patterns.

Tip #7 Breeding cost determines the amount of xp you get when you start breeding. For example, you will get 31 xp if it costs 31 coins to breed.

Tip #8 Store unique colored Anuras in the Catalog and only keep unique patterns in your habitats.


{image: Nath4n & Mew2468 of toucharcade}

Tips for solving the Pocket Frogs Puzzle Mini-game First count how many frogs you have of each color. Six fit on a side, so often six-of-a-kind can be put together down one side. Counting colors also gives you an idea of how many split lines you're going to have. (Seven has to be four and three, etc.)

Put all your colors together in groups. Then you can start manipulating the groups, rearranging them as needed so that everything fits. Don't worry about getting the frogs' alignment correct until you have the groups the way you want them, then it's just a matter of a little hopping back and forth to get everyone facing the right way. 
{source: Quossum}

Habitat effect on frog happiness
Each frog gains about half a percent from each point of scenery happiness, they also gain happiness from each other frog in the tank. They gain this happiness over time.

Hatching time
The time it takes to hatch is 10% of the total time. So 10 hours would be 1 hr or 30 mins would take 3 mins.

In Pocket Frogs, there are 14,000+ different breeds you can collect, create and share. Each breed is determined by three genetic attributes: Base Color, Pattern Color, and a Pattern. The name of the breed is given by the names of the attributes used to create the frog, eg Green Voila Marmorea. There are 23 base colors, 15 pattern colors and 40 patterns. Patterns become unlocked as the player levels up.

Base Colors:
Aqua, Azure, Beige, Black, Blue, Cocos, Emerald, Glass, Golden, Green, Lime, Marine, Maroon, Olive, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Royal, Tangelo, Violet, White, Yellow

Pattern Colors:
Albeo, Aurum, Bruna, Caelus, Cafea, Callaina, Carota, Ceres, Floris, Folium, Muscus, Picea, Pruni, Tingo, Viola

Here's a visual guide for the base and pattern colors as posted on robotfairy.
{image: robotfairy}

Adamantis, Africanus, Amfractus, Anura, Arbor, Biplex, Bovis, Calvaria, Calyx, Cesti, Clunicula, Corona, Crustalli, Floresco, Insero, Ligo, Lucus, Magus, Marmorea, Mixtus, Nasus, Nimbillis, Ocularis, Ornatus, Partiri, Pingo, Puncti, Roboris, Sagitta, Serpentis, Sol, Spinae, Stellata, Tribus, Velatus, Veru, Viduo, Zebra

Want to know how each pattern looks like? Well you would have to thank robotfairy for posting this awesome frogs patterns visual guide below :)
{image: robotfairy}

*Awards and Breeding Combinations List can be found here.

*Chroma Breeding Combinations can be found here.

{source: somethingawful, toucharcade}


  1. So basically to generate money I have to breed and sell frogs or just hop around in the pond

  2. One of the easier and less involved ways to make some extra money is to keep two copies of your most expensive frog and then breed them. If you want to eek out a little extra, keep a habitat with lots of +happiness items and move the frogs into there for awhile before you sell. While they're sitting in there getting happier, you can have another set of 8 in egg form. Rinse and repeat.

  3. Add Me ... BLAZiNx6iRL

  4. add me niceseol ....let's breed together

  5. I have a question, How do I change the habitat, (background picture) if I have more than one? Is there a way?

  6. I need friends! My Plus+ name is: LucyInDisguise

  7. you can only change the habitat from your mailbox

  8. Add Me On Plus+ Aviralgoel Lest Breed 2Gether.

  9. I don't get it what are the secondary colors?

  10. Add me and my sister on Plus+


  11. The secondary colors are Albeo, Aurum, Bruna, Caelus, Callaina, Carota, Ceres, Floris, Folium, Picea, Pruni, Tingo, Viola

  12. I find that you earn money faster by breading the lower level frogs. For example, a level 1 Green Folium Anura is worth a max 61 coins after 30 minutes (2 coins per minute) while a level 7 Glass Albeo Stellata is worth 1292 coins after 17hrs (~1 coin per minute).

    Also, all base Patterns grow in the same amount of time - so the trick is to maximize the earning potential of each level.

    Add me - Syntax74

  13. Does anyone have a screenshot of the secondary colors?

    Also, iphonedevpinoy, in that list of secondary colors did you miss muscus and cafea? Or am I missing something?

    ADD ME - jebaugh

  14. Ugh I'm totally addicted... add me Skyeboys

  15. This is a fun game! Add me: geminixo

  16. ahhh add me too. I just became addicted. maddibug

  17. i just did the plus because of you guys! lol (maddibug)

  18. Great. SO I wasn't suppose to be cataloging ALL the frogs I collected? oops. What now? Are you saying the best ones to catalog are the Base color Anuras? I just started this game a few days ago.

  19. Yep, it's best to catalog the cheap anuras for your base colors when starting out :)

  20. Add me, please! MilkTen

  21. here's something you gotta try...i don't know if it's just luck or what but it seems i may have found a lucky frog in glass albeo anura... 6 or 7 out of 10, i always find a pond present whenever I go to the lower left of the screen. i wonder if this was nerfed in the latest update?

  22. I also have these.

    extra colors: Aqua
    extra patterns: Adamantis, Africanus, Crustalli, Tribus, Velatus

  23. Im looking forward to the frogedex add me jessymendoza6

  24. Add me: dreamerpix :D

  25. so whats up with the guy that has 1229734486 lifetime frogs listed on the plus leader board? He/she also has 1348030562 coins. Thats just downright discouraging. djpateli is the user. Anyone know if it's real or hacked?

  26. Add me! I actively trade frogs, let me know what you need...

  27. Great posts. Keep em coming. Like I mentioned in the spreadhseet blog post, we need a good minmaxer to determine odds of getting certain breed patterns / colors.
    Any and all help / tips appreciated. Great job iphonedevpinoy.
    tag:falcnor - add away!

  28. i need friends DX btg516

  29. add me!! =) +plus: pato-cuack

  30. To anyone interested: ahr2nd

  31. Add me also! Too addicted to this game lol


  32. If Anybody sent me a frog let me know!

  33. Hi people. When appears de Frogedex?? I'm in lvl 4 but it isn't in my game :(

  34. The Frogedex is not yet included in the latest version of the app. Wait for it in the next update as the devs have already submitted the next update for approval to the App Store :)

  35. when searching for frogs in the pond, when you find a frog that isn't the breed you are looking for, jump 4 or 5 lilypads in any direction, then go back where the frog was, and a different frog will be in the same spot, different breed and colours, saves jumping all over the place looking for a particular frog.

  36. base colors you miss "Glass"
    And Patterns you say have 40
    but you just list 38

    Nice to meet you all
    My name is Joe
    Come from Taiwan
    my ID:joewongtw

  37. Hey add me LUBI97
    how can i send s Message at plus+?
    do anyone have a Glass frog?

    LUBI97 add

  38. I love love this game, it's addicting and thought provoking, even for a Genetecist!

    Add me! doobiedoo73

  39. what am i supposed to do with the missing frog i accidentally hit frog mart twice and i randomly got a missing frog in my mailbox and it wont let me put it anywhere and it says i need the latest version and i updated it to latest version so i dont know what to do with the missing frog and its rareity is 10(endanger)

  40. Whoever made the above set of Anuras for primary and secondary colors, it's very nicely done, but I have to disagree about matching "Olive" with "Bruna" as Bruna means brown. I think Olive has to go with Muscus. :-p

  41. Add me pls name is jumbofreddo

  42. trade anyone?

    add me up:


  43. new pattern color in 1.0.2 "chroma" the pattern shifts through the full range of colors, it's very cool. I have also compiled a chart of least to most valuable primary color based on collecting all 23 colors with the same pattern color and pattern frogs. Heres the list from most valuable Primary color to least.
    I'm now working on a value list for the pattern colors as well

    plus member OCD4MMA

  44. Posted an Excel Sheet that I use to track Frog Attributes:

    plus member: Keizai

  45. newer version here:


  46. my plus name is petchunu

    I REALLY need an orange frog. Any! lol I'll breed with my own to get the exact one I need. I've literally been trying to get one for over 24 hours haha please friend me, and gift me any orange (not Tangelo) :D

  47. I don't understand your spreadsheet XDD

    I am full up in my catalog and in my habitats and need room. Not sure which to sell though :( too many award frogs to keep track of :(

    any suggestions?

  48. Thank you -- this is a fantastic resource! Now if I could just get my darned frogs to breed the right colour combination I'd be golden :D

  49. Pls pls pLS. Add me. I'm awigal. Will trade anything for a chroma.

  50. My username is awigal. And would very much appreciate a chroma


    ADD: khunkao

  52. I need a chroma frog, i'll reward you a high level frog(up to lv13 frog; i'll give you up to your level) if you give me a chroma. Thank you. add me - niceseol

  53. i got the chroma Thank you!!!!! -niceseol

  54. Added YouTube walkthrough for the spreadsheet at:


  55. Thanks for the spreadsheet and YouTube walk thru!

  56. So Falcnor.... How can you have eggs in all your habitats? Please be nice and share. : )


  57. Does anybody know how to get the Tribus in chromos

  58. Need friends...

    Add me: Castorq

  59. add me: catlover95

  60. To get tribus in chrome just breed with any tribus and any chrome and you have the possibility of getting it in chrome

  61. need friends too:

  62. OCD4MMA I am wondering the same question. I have a couple of people that have eggs in there habitates.... how in the heck is that done


  63. They have eggs in their habitats because they set the time forward on their phone so they could hatch them instantly instead of waiting. Then moved the frogs out of the nursery where ever they wanted them.. then when they set the time back on their phone it made the frogs turn back in to eggs!! :)

  64. Thats cheating.

    Add me Quasaarr

  65. Hey, I have the same LUCKY FROG and get presents in THE SPOT too! Great tip! add me: luvsfrogs

  66. I'm after a black chroma clunicula! if u have one or niw how to get one I will give u another frog!


  67. hey, my user name is kerafrogger and i would really appriciate if someone could send me a glass frog. i have a chroma if you want to trade :) your help is much appreciated by me, my family(who also plays pocket frogs), and my friends who are also pocket froggers :)

  68. Just found "Glass" breeding combination.
    1 in 8 chance but it is certainly possible.
    Blue Caelus Anura + Azure Floris Adamantis

  69. Just added an updated YouTube video at:

  70. Not sure if I'm way off my rockers there...

    Seems that when you breed 2 frogs and are presented with the various combinations, that if you "indicate" what you want by tapping on it, that you're more likely to get that if your frogs are happier than if they're not... anyone comment/notice this?


  71. Found a chroma combo

    Olive Albeo Mamorea + Black Folium Punti = Olive Chroma Punti

    Add me if you like.

    Flexi on Plus

  72. Also, a Cocos Pruni Velatus and a Yellow Albeo Mamorea could get you a Chroma frog. That unique combo got me 20 or so Chroma s.

  73. Wow this game looked surface level at first but I'm addicted... Add me please: tatumvay :)

  74. If anyone needs glass frogs I have loads and can breed more easy. I want a Chroma really badly! if you add me and send me a Chroma I will send you 2 glass frogs. I am Solo7319 on Plus+.

  75. I have had a bunch of chroma and glass chormas.
    Add me and send me a cool frog and I'll send you one.

    Plus+ Name: SammyTRK

  76. Yay!!! thnks, I am being flooded w/cool chromas and have given out lots of glass! solo7319

  77. Deal's over-I have all the chroma I need (plus i have run out of stamps)

  78. Looking for a chroma for the longest time.
    Please add me and sent me one if you have an extra one. Willing to trade.

    Plus+Name: akapoo

  79. Thank you Frogcaptor! Had sent you a lvl 11 frog as return!

  80. @Solo7319 - I sent you a Chroma yesterday and did not receive a Glass - what's up? Anyone else want to step it up and send me a Glass and I will send a Chroma? (within the next few days please)
    Plus+ Username is: Balastrea

    I would greatly appreciate it :-)

  81. Just received a Glass frog from a nice member - thank you and hope you were able to use the Chroma I sent in return.

    *I won't be needing any more Glass as they are pretty simple to breed - again thank you for the quick response!*
    Plus+ Username: Balastrea

  82. I'm hooked! Looking for a Chroma or glass frog. Willing to trade...

    Please add me.

    Plus +Username: debbie98632

    Also, does anyone know if 7 habitats is the limit??

  83. I want a chroma! Please send one to me! Thanks!
    Plus+ i.d.

  84. @Balastrea, I'll send you a glass for a chroma..

  85. I have a glass to trade, send me one chroma for trade..
    Add meeeeee!!!
    Plus+ username Eviljunkee

  86. Trading chroma for endangered breeds! FTSKKKyle on plus
    add me!!

  87. GUYS !!! I have been crashing left and right.. cant play the game at all since latest update.

    HELP !!!

  88. I have glass and chroma for trade ... please send me a tribus !!!

    add me at chupa1234

  89. I'm looking for one TRIBUS §§§ please
    I always gift back

    Add me mars1993

  90. I am hooked! Have plenty to gift/trade...

    Add me ande1972

  91. Hey guys, add me! Acct name is iShananigans
    I'm not looking for any frogs in particular, but feel free to gift me any Endangered frogs! ;-D

  92. Oh, and if I gift you a frog, don't feel obligated to gift back. I find it fun fulfilling people's needs/wishes, lol

    Again, add me! iShananigans

  93. looking for a glass frog, will trade lvl 13 chroma.. Plus + Dexter99949

  94. also need a tribus (as well as a glass). will trade what you need (up to lvl 17)

  95. You forgot to mention another I have found the Purple Floris Calyx. It's a stripped one with 1 different colored strip in the middle of the frog.

  96. Add me! I'll gift you stuff :)

  97. Hey guys, i got all the patterns except the Biplex, 5 times unsuccesfull breeding on that one. Can someone mail it to me and let me know what he/she needs. Thx in advance.
    ID : boarderfl

  98. Add me zl1993 and send me one glass frog and I'll repay with chroma frogs. Thanks

  99. If you upgrade the LUCKY FROG doesn't work anymore ;o( Hey, I've given away lots of frogs and get none back ;o( Not that I'm a begger, but a chroma would be nice. And, MISHICHAN, my friend and neighbor: You have an awesome collection! add me: luvsfrogs

  100. Add me.

    The lotus00

  101. Thanks for the Chroma recipes. Going to start working them right away

    Plus+: Xirenia

  102. I found a Glass combination

    Violet Aurum Anura + Olive Floris Anura has a 1 in 4 chance of a Glass Floris Anura

  103. ill trade glass croma frogs to someone who wants to trade and i have lots of them

  104. I have chroma frogs. Add gabbe52

  105. if u want glass cromas add zachattach5139

  106. I really need a pingo and a veru if anyone could help me I've got glass and chromas I'd be willing to trade just let me know which you'd need. Also does anyone know what the other two patterns not listed at the top are. It says there's 40 but list 38. Thanks plus name jmeloncampyoyo

  107. I'll give a glass + chroma in return for a high level frog~ By the way, this game is AWESOME!!! (>w<)

    Username: iiuerin (with the green froggy pic~)

  108. Anyone has a problem with their awards not being recognised?

    I hve the correct combination of frogs but it is not being recognised and the awards boards is not updated.

    Happened to me some time back but it corrected itself. Not its back at doing it again.


  109. The 2 bee one didn't work for me at all. and there was another a couple days ago but I deleted and re breeded them and it worked the second time

  110. I can't manage to get a glass or chroma frog, but have been trying these combos for days! Add me ehorrell...

  111. I really need a pingo frog if anyone can send me one I can send you any breed you'd like back I have all the other breeds listed at the top.
    Plus name jmeloncampyoyo

  112. I can't seem to get my hands on an azure frog, any pattern, doesn't matter! add me: dreamerpix

  113. There's a chat group for Pocket Frogs now on Palingro. It's a free chat app on the app store. Just search pocket frogs after log in.

  114. I have chromas available for trading! Add me/message me for details: alyciamichele on plus+!

  115. anyone know about the extra awards listed in Plus. Frog-O-Lantern and Tribal? I've got all the Tribus frogs but nothing is happening.  


  116. anybody got oversupply of tribus frogs? can i have some? - plus: waggums

  117. I haven't found a lanturna but the tribus one didn't work for me either

  118. ADD ME FRIENDS MY PLUS ID IS : Vodka786

  119. aviralgoel r u from ck????

  120. @jmeloncampyoyo, if you still need a pingo, i'll trade you for a tribus. (plus: waggums)

  121. Trading Glass for Chroma for the next 24 hours or until my last 10 stamps are used. Thanks...


  122. Anyone who want to trade frogs,add me. Plus ID: s4br1n4

  123. I need any Chroma Frog, will trade you frog up to level 12 (Example; I have Lucus, Ligo, Arbor).Plus ID: s4br1n4, Or if you need specific frog, email me at Tks.

  124. If Anyone has a lanturna to trade I'll trade you back whatever you'd like I have the other 38 breeds plus name jmeloncampyoyo

  125. add me on plus+ too ^^ miniszuperx

  126. I have a combination for a glass frog, 50% chance of success. Breed a Cocos Pruni Velatus & Cocos Cafea Velatus together. Add me on plus+ my gamername is denzle.

  127. ok, so i love this game. but i have a promblem, it will not let me complete awards anymore. i know i have the right frogs and everything. i have completed like 12 but all of sudden it just wontg give me credit for completeing it. :( but it completed the one where i had 64 frogs in my thing. just wont let me complete the others where i have breeded the exact frog. any help would be great. thanx:)

    oh ya'll can add me if you want. my name is beansnrice93 i have a bunch of frogs and if you like one i will breed you one and send it to you.

  128. Do we have to catalog only basic colors? Am I doing things wrong? I am cataloging expensive frogs...

  129. I have 34% awards completed and can't get it to give me anymore I have the right combinations it just stopped giving them to me

  130. Secondary color = color of pattern..... DUH!!!!

  131. I have the same problem -- at 34%, and no more awards even though I have the right frogs --


  132. Don't delete and reinstall... I wasn't getting awards, either.... I was on level 9- bought about $50 of potions/stamps...and then my account disappeared!! Nimbit won't reimburse my potions/stamps... And all my frogs are gone. Bad business!!! Jess091870

    don't spend real money- you could lose yours In a flash- Just like I did. Nimbit doesn't care!

  133. I love this game. If anyone could send me a chroma I would appreciate it. I accidentally sold mine. I am working up my gifts sent so I would love more people to send to

  134. Maybe I'm not doing my math right.... The Froggydex says there are 14720 frogs in the index. So shouldn't there be a total of 40 patterns? 14720 divided by the number of main colors (23) is 640, 640 divided by the number of contrast colors (16) is 40.

  135. can anyone give me glass and chroma frog?
    preferably both :D
    game name: soong7776
    I've posted everywhere I could get help! PLZ! if you can, send me two so that I can breed faster!

  136. Please send me a chroma if you want to help me out: member name suicidol

  137. Wow these tips are great. I started playing a few weeks ago but I now realize I'm not doing it right. I never bred two of my own frogs, just with frogs I found in the pond. And I thought you had to manually keep the frogs happy, so I've spent all my time putting my 20+ frogs in the pond to eat flies to make them all happy. I'm at level 4. I have too many frogs for my 3 habitats, it's always full! And it's 7,000 coins to buy a new one and I only have half of that in coins. I don't have any friends yet, so add me: hiplibrarian. Thanks!

  138. ok... the app came out with update and i can complete awards again!! add me if you want. i will trade frogs. my Plus+ name is beansnrice93 if you have a certian frog you would like you can email me at i think that plus+ needs to make it were you can message on the app. just saying. i would love to have frogs that i dont have. oh and i have chromas. ;)

  139. There were 38 known breeds then two unreleased one lanturna is out now and I glacio will be out later that equals the 40 total breeds your math is fine haha

  140. Please add me as your friend!



  141. I have a neighbor who is level 9 and he has billions of coins.. do any of you how to have such coins?? thanks a lot!! :)

  142. hello frog freaks

    add me plus+ giorgo38
    gamecenter ravenclaw666

    let s trade i like glass/chroma


  143. Anyone have a tribus they can trade? The color doesn't matter. I can give you any color frog in return of any pattern up to level 8. Just tell me what you want.
    My +plus username is catlvr3

  144. Need a Violet Bruna Cesti! Plus+ talk2antheman. Help please, will trade purple cafea stellata for it. Thanks.

  145. I am interested in trading. Plus+ AniseM.

  146. Thanks for the tribus, talk2antheman. I'll be sending a Violet Bruna Cesti in return as soon as possible.

  147. Hey all. I'm looking for a Tribus as well. my Plus+ is macleanbrad78. I'll pass on 5 tribus' when I get one and can give any colour including chrome and glass. Would really appreciate it.

  148. I am level 14 and need a tribus plus+ name cormay, thank you much........let me know what you need.

  149. Hey everyone I have glass and chroma frogs available for trade! I'd like some endangered frogs or frogs above level 8! I also have white and black chroma tribus'! Add me: alyciamichele and put on your status what you want to trade for!

  150. looking for any Glacio frog. (plus: waggums)

  151. how do you get Lanturna and Glacio frogs? from Pond presents/rewards? by breeding? awards? can anybody share some info about these 2 new patterns? thanks!

  152. I need a Pingo frog, Olive Bruna Pingo to be exact but I can breed the colors myself. Plus+ talk2antheman. I can trade a Biplex for that, let me know what you need in the plus+ info.

  153. I think you can find Lanterna in Presents and also some people see it in the frogmart. Or the easiest way is to have someone donoate one to you. If you need one, I can give you one, add me at Plus+ talk2antheman

  154. I got my free Tangelo Aurum Lanterna today via pop-up, not from the pond. It's a tie-in with Halloween.

    Haven't encountered Tribus yet though...

    I only counted 39 documented species. How do you guys know the last species is Glacio?? Just curious...


    How to grow and use items from mailbox without spending Potions and Stamps...

    It's in portuguese, easy to understand though.

  156. I know the last ones glacio because someone sent me one :) but probably like the lanturna it will get sent through pop up in the winter but not sure

  157. i realy want a glass frog i am levle11 almost 12, i will repay with endangered chroma my plus account is IMRS, just glass i dont care what kind.

  158. New to game and having so much fun. So addictive.

    Please add me: TheatreChick93

  159. i have all the glass i need, however, now i need a emerald muscus sagitta, i will repay with endangerd chromas or glass my plus name is IMRS

  160. people, if u have a facebook, join pocket frogs on itouch :)

  161. Hey ppl! :) i am so addicted to this app! add me! lets trade! :) i need a glass frog way bad! CCANGEL1994

  162. a few recipes to share:

    maroon caelus africanus + maroon tingo anura = glass tingo africanus (1 in 4)

    olive tingo cesti + maroon tingo anura = glass tingo anura (1 in 4)

    green folium floresco + maroon tingo anura = olive chroma floresco (1 in 8)

  163. sorry for the typo above, should be olive folium floresco instead.

    OLIVE folium floresco + maroon tingo anura = olive chroma floresco

  164. Lvl 43 , I have all the frogs, I start giveing awayglacio, lanterna and tribus 4 weeks ago, but if someone doesn't have yet, just add me and set your message with the requested frog...

    as soon as I read it, Ill sent you the frog.

    Plus+ = Jejano

  165. Successfully bred a Black Chroma Lanterna! Will have more soon. Add me if you want to trade.


  166. Hey This is jo i need a legendary for some glass chroma endagered friend me

  167. Hi guys!! :) add me up ynahjosa.. Lets trade! I have some glass here.. :) I need legendary.. :) Thanks so much.

  168. Please add me :) cheskers72

  169. Please add me I need a chroma frog plus - lars0520

  170. Need Glacio. I can trade for a legendary. Plus+ talk2antheman. Thanks

  171. need glass chroma pingo will trade glass chroma cesti

  172. add me - got some endangers, chrome and glass - need a lanterna cause i accidently sold mine

    plus+ docgibbons

  173. doc give me the ornatus and ill give u my lanterna my name is JoeWard8

  174. wait nvm the ligo and ill give u it docgibbons

  175. need a Tribus pls ! i sold the only one i had please help me !
    Plus+ : NinkiDu

  176. what do u have Ninki

  177. i can send back glass, chroma puncti or lanterna - any frog u want in my collection : )
    Plus+ : NinkiDu

  178. send me the ornatus and u will get as u have asked

  179. Glacio frogs can be hacked (well, I managed)
    Add me iDestined.

  180. Add me : scorpio0000 Im a new player i need new types of frogs :S

  181. guys, i need level 16 legendary except for veru.. add me up in Plus+ ynahjosa.. thanks soooo much!! i have glass chroma bovis if you like.. :)

  182. Add me. Noah052005. Will trade anything. My 5 year old son will appreciate it. :)

  183. anyone have a complete combinations list for all chromas yet? wish someone would share what they know =) everybody would appreciate it especially beginers =) add me: iWink (love to give back gifts)

  184. add me Azael0 (zero at the end :) )

  185. So im pretty addicted to this game, But at LV 15, im still haven't figured out how to add friends, or trade frogs. I also haven't received a Glacio or Lanterna. I can make almost any frog, including Glass, and chroma. Add me-- roseyshades. I will trade, or create the frogs you need- Please Help with the Lanterna or Glacio. Thanks
