Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Junk Jack FAQs, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

I was snooping around the App Store and came across this retro-inspired Minecraft-y gem from PixBits - Junk Jack.

Junk Jack [AppStore] is a 2D sandbox game where you can explore, build your home and survive in random procedurally generated worlds full of treasures and hidden secrets. If you have no clue what you're doing, posted below are some of the frequently-asked-questions, guides, tips and tricks collected from the web to help you get  started.

Beginner's Guide {via Tye-Dye of Junk Jack Official Forum}

To begin crafting open up your inventory and there should be a 3x3 box on the right side - this is the crafting box. You can split a stack of wood by double clicking it. Then when you are ready, press the crafting button beneath the crafting box. Some items may require you to be standing near a crafting add-on, such as an anvil used for making metal tools.

First off you will want to punch some trees to death and make a picaxe. Then make some Wooden planks from the wood from the tree.
W wood
_ nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[_] [W] [_]
[_] [_] [_]
Wood can be placed anywhere in the crafting slot.
Wooden planks will be referred as just planks from now on.

Picaxe crafting
[S] [S] [_]
[S] [P] [_]
[_] [_] [P]
S = wood
P = wood plank
_ = nothing

After getting a good haul of stone (maybe some coal too), make an axe (probably for getting more wood) and a new picaxe.
You will also want to make a swords
_= nothing

[S] [_] [_]
[S] [P] [_]
[_] [_] [P]

[S] [_] [_]
[_] [S] [_]
[_] [_] [P]

Chop some more wood and find the closes cow to you.With your sword beat him to death and hopefully get leather (you need 2 leather so find another cow maybe:))

Then look for a sort of light green plant with beans on top. Mine it and get some papyra (what you make paper with).

Then make some paper with the papyra with
P= papyra
_= nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[P] [P] [_]
[P] [P] [_]
Get enough papyra till you have 4 paper (I think about 8 papyra should do it)

Then make your self a book
L = leather
P = paper
_ = nothing

[_] [_] [_]
[L] [P] [P]
[L] [P] [P]

Then you can start adding page to book. Put page on hot bar then click on it (when you are out of menu). It will be stored in your book, which acts as a little collection tutorial / craft book (collect all page will really help).

You will probably want to think of making a place of residence now (ie house :L). Your first house shouldn't be too fancy, just out of dirt or random blocks and will be designed to last you your first night.

On your first night I would advise just making a mine like tunnel down like steps:
____[ ]
__[ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]

This should get you enough stone, ores and coal or everything.

Your next step (after making a  house) will be to start making furniture and crafting additional tools.

Make a Wooden work bench by first making a hammer out of wood
(hammers are used for removing furniture, doors, ladders, etc)

W wood
P plank
_ nothing

[_] [W] [_]
[W] [P] [_]
[_] [_] [P]

Then make the bench like this
W wood
P plank
H hammer
[_] [_] [_]
[P] [H] [P]
[W] [W] [W]

Torches are also a must have as it stops monsters spawning!
C coal
P plank
_ nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[_] [C] [_]
[_] [_] [W]

After making a work bench a nice looking furnace will be on your mind (keep house warm and for making better tools and widgets)
S stone
T torch
_ nothing

[S] [S] [S]
[S] [T] [S]
[S] [S] [S]

You will also want a door and a chest (to store treasure in)
First you will need something called a widget
Widgets are made with iron ingots and copper ingots
Ingot crafting (by furnace)
L ore lump
C coal
_ nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[_] [L] [L]
[_] [_] [c]
The lumps and coal can be anywhere as long as there is two lumps and one coal next to a furnace
When you craft a iron and copper ingot make a widget
I iron ingot
C copper ingot
_ nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[_] [_] [I]
[_] [C] [_]

Then with widget
P wood
W widget
_ nothing

[_] [_] [_]
[P] [W] [P]
[P] [P] [P]

And door
P plank
W widget
_ nothing
[P] [P] [_]
[P] [W] [_]
[P] [P] [_]

You will also need to make an anvil to craft metal tools (iron silver gold Mithril)
To make an anvil
I iron ingot
S stone
_ nothing
[_] [_] [_]
[I] [I] [I]
[_] [S] [_]
Then when you stand next to one you will be able to make a metal tool (advised to have furnace and anvil close to each other)

As you go you will find many crates containing items for crafting and building
Vases - contain treasure but, be warned may spawn spiders upon breaking
Chest- use hammer to break them (contains items varying on what kind of chest) better the chest better the items

Strength of tools on material from weakest to strongest:

Full list of recipes (Tools, Interactive Items, Blocks, Items, Crafting Add-ons)


  1. i was wondering if you could post a better more clear picture or pictures od all the recipes or possibly get it in a email so i can print it out?
